Primary Care Doctors Accepting New Patients Questions and Answers
If you do not currently have a primary care physician, come to Sunset Hills Family Practice located in Henderson, NV to meet with our primary care doctor! We are currently accepting new patients and would love to get to know you! For more information, call us now or schedule an appointment online.
Table of Content:
How can I make a same-day appointment with a Primary Care Doctor if I live in Henderson, NV?
How can I find a Primary Care Doctor in Henderson, NV, who takes my insurance?
What questions should I ask when finding a new doctor?
Is Sunset Hills accepting new patients?
Primary care is not only important, it is a vital service that every person can hugely benefit from. Countless studies and research have shown that patients who have a primary care provider not only live longer lives, but also have far fewer hospitalizations. This is because primary care takes a look at a person’s entire picture of health, tracks their health progress over time, and helps to prevent a number of common conditions and illnesses.
If you need a same-day appointment with a primary care physician and live in Henderson, NV, come to Sunset Hills Family Practice! Our primary care physicians accept same-day appointments, so please call us today if you are in need of expert care!
If you live in Henderson, NV, and are looking for a primary care doctor who accepts your insurance, come to Sunset Hills Family Practice! To provide care to as many people as possible, we accept insurance from the following providers:
• Allegiant
• Ambetter
• Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
• Blue Cross Blue Shield
• Capital Health Plan
• Cigna
• Coventry Health Care
• Culinary
• Fidelity
• First Health
• Friday Health Plan
• GWH-Cigna (formerly Great West Healthcare)
• Hometown Health
• Humana
• Medicaid
• Medicare
• Pacific Health Alliance
• Sierra Health and Life
• Silver Summit
• Teachers Health Trust
• Tricare
• Truncate
• United Healthcare
• United Healthcare Oxford
When looking for, and meeting, a new doctor it is important to ask the right questions. Often in these situations, it can be easy to lose track of what you want to ask. When meeting with a new primary care physician, it can help to ask the following questions:
• If I have an emergency, who will be seeing me?
• Do you have any expertise in treating my specific health conditions?
• Do you belong to any associations?
• How many patients do you see per month?
• To assess my treatment needs, what medical records do you need?
• Will you be overseeing my entire treatment?
Ask yourself the following questions after meeting with the doctor:
• Is the waiting room pleasant?
• How long did I have to wait?
• Is the office easy to get to?
• Does the doctor welcome questions?
• Could I understand what they were saying?
• Can I see myself asking this doctor anything?
Yes, we are! Our primary care physician is currently accepting new patients and would love the opportunity to meet with you! We believe in helping patients live better, healthier lives and always put their needs first. Our kind and compassionate professionals are experienced in helping our patients live the best quality of life possible and take a look at every aspect of life that affects health to provide a more complete picture of care.
Call to meet with us today to book an appointment, or visit our clinic conveniently located at 2510 Wigwam Parkway, Suite 102, Henderson, NV 89074. Our office is open five days a week: Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM. We serve patients from Henderson NV, Midway NV, Gibson Springs NV, Paradise Hills NV, and Winchester NV. We look forward to serving you!